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4° SRFL - 10/11 MAY 2014

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25/03/2014 12:49 #118314 da Golia
Risposta da Golia al topic 4° SRFL - 10/11 MAY 2014
ecco simmo le taglie del mio equipaggio:
3 M
1 L

tutte da uomo.

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25/03/2014 12:50 #118315 da Silentbay
Risposta da Silentbay al topic 4° SRFL - 10/11 MAY 2014

Silentbay ha scritto: Hi everybody, in the following picture you will find some information about how to post on this italian forum

This is the list of the participants so far:
Ecco l'elenco dei partecipanti fino ad ora:

- Paolinox YES (with his 16"..unbelievable but true!!!) 4 t-shirts (1L male- 1M female - 1 kid 11-12 y.o. - 1 kid 10 y.o.)
- Syncraperto YES 2 t-shirts
- RUV YES - 1 t-shirt XL male
- Clakal77 YES
- Syncro-Bulli YES
- Manfred (ig16 member from Bamberg - Germany) YES 3 t-shirt (1 M male, 1 L male, 1 XL male for Lorenzen)
- Silentbay YES - 2 t-shirts (1M male - 1XS female)
- K . YES 1 t-shirt XL (looking for a lift and a berth)
- Mosca 2wd joker YES 1 t-shirt XL
- Stefano by Toyota YES 2 t-shirt (1L male- 1M female)
- Alessandro by Toyota YES 1 t-shirt M male
- Mic 90% YES - 1 t-shirt M male
- PIe 90% YES
- Snippy 90% YES
- Golia 70% YES
- Midelt 70% YES (probably with 2 syncros)
- Toto 70% YES
- Cuginot3 70% YES
- Ea 50% YES
- Vergasma 50% YES (looking for a lift and a berth)
- Gattone22 50% YES (looking for a lift and a berth) 1 t-shirt M
- Raffo 40% YES
- (il) teo 20% YES
- Daines 0.000001% YES (dipende se decide di far nascere il pupo al SRFL )

-Gabriele 1 T-shirt M

Total: 7 Syncro 100% sure, 2 toyota 100% sure, 1 2WD joker 100% sure, 10 syncro non sure yet....18 t-shirts

the meeting will be held on MAY 10/11 2014 in the sorrounding mountains of Sestri Levante (GE) ITALY.
The official meeting time is 9.00 AM on saturday 10th, we know most of the participants usually arrive during friday afternoon...no problems for that :D
We will put more information about the event ASAP...stay tuned...ciao

Il raduno si terrà il 10/11 di MAGGIO nelle montagne circostanti Sestri Levante (GE) ITALIA.
L'orario ufficiale dell'incontro è alle 9 di mattina di sabato 10, se molti preferiscono arrivare il venerdì pomeriggio (come solito) nessun problema... :D
Metteremo maggiori informazioni riguardante l'evento il prima possibile...rimanete sintonizzati...ciao

This is the SRFL 2014 T-shirt, if you want to have one you have to preorder it, posting on this topic your name, number of t-shirts, sizes and if male or female. The t-shirt for people not from Italy (only coming at the event) is free :D

Qui sotto potete vedere l'esempio della maglietta dell'evento 2014, se ne volete una, dovete pre-ordinarla scrivendo su questo topic: nome, numero di magliette , taglie, distinguendo anche se si tratta di taglie da bambino o da donna/uomo. Il costo della maglietta è di 10 euro l'una.

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Here's the video of the 2013 event:


Riporto pagina iniziale ancora una volta....per chi volesse cambiare il proprio stato di disponibilità o aggiungere o togliere t-shirt lo comunichi senza problemi.... :wink:

Syncro sedici westfalia - 2.5 V6 TDi 200bhp

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25/03/2014 12:51 #118316 da Silentbay
Risposta da Silentbay al topic 4° SRFL - 10/11 MAY 2014

Golia ha scritto: ecco simmo le taglie del mio equipaggio:
3 M
1 L

tutte da uomo.

Perfetto...grazie mille :D

Syncro sedici westfalia - 2.5 V6 TDi 200bhp

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25/03/2014 13:59 #118318 da RUV
Risposta da RUV al topic 4° SRFL - 10/11 MAY 2014

Loudpipes ha scritto: Hello my friends from Italy!

Thank you for announcing your event in the IG16!
I want to briefly introduce myself:

My real name is Manfred, friends call me Manni, or Don Manfredo Mac Manthey (kind of a joke ;-) ).
I am roundabout 30, love travelling, syncros, meeting interesting people, food, beeer, wine and so on :D
My language skills are unfortunately limited to German and English, although I might remember some Latin words from school.

I will also bring my neighbours son Simon (he is 17) to the meeting.
It will be his first offroad experience - hehe :D
Btw: Where is the place to oder a T-Shirt for him? His size is L and I will pay for it of course.

I am looking forward to meeting you all and to have a decent weekend!

On a side note:
If there is something, I can bring with me, or for you from Germany, then just tell me.
I will do my best to get it to the meeting.
On a side note: End of April there is the annual German Syncro Meeting (I will also attend).
So if you find some goods in Germany prior to that event, chances are very good that someone can bring it to that meeting to hand it over to me.
Transport to Italy will be for free of course (as long as it fits into my Syncro).
In case you want me to bring a whole van for you, then you need to pay for the trailer ;-)

See you there,

Hi Manfred

Why all these kilometers only for one week end?
I begin with the syncroardunoformicaleone then spend the entire week in syncroaround to end in the 17-18 may in the jokeristi t3 annual meeting:
The annual meeting of the people of this website.
Will be In tuscany in a camping near the sea. Last year there were two German crews, this year came back the Dutch crew of LussoBusso jokeristi.it/user.php?id.443

I travel by Reggi (the orange) with my family: wife and littleonion

Join with us if you like the program. Camping only for the shower when the smell become trenchant(my wife give the time :-)

..... Germany for me... a basket of augustiner export, t(h)ank(s) (a lot of tank :-).... without the basket

What do you think about of the wine of wineyard?

P.S. during saturday night in the jokeristi meeting is veeeery interesting

P.P.S understandable my be(a)stly english?

P.P.P.S. Simmo fai presente al Don in IG16 se non fosse loggato al topic?

... pazzi pur si vive ma senza il cuor si muore.

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28/03/2014 09:41 #118417 da Loudpipes
Risposta da Loudpipes al topic 4° SRFL - 10/11 MAY 2014
Heya Reginaldo,

first off the most important thing: Yep - I will bring you the beer of your choice! :D
Your english is very good - so no concerns about that, and once we got some beer together - language will be no problem anymore ;-)

I looked up the program and it is very tempting, but this year's vacations are already planned (Karpatian Mountains in Romania, bit of Bulgaria).
So I am unfortunately a bit short of "extra" vacation time :(
Last year in Macedonia and Albania, I often preferred the "water bag" instead of those public showers.
So, I got no shower issues :-P

I didn't get the question about the wineyard, I guess.
Well I also drink wine and I usually get a bad hangover from it, which doesn't stop me from drinking wine :P
Although I know way more about beer :D
Have a look at the density of breweries around my hometown ;) brewpubs.openstreetmap.de/index.html.en?...n=10.90346&layers=BT


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28/03/2014 09:54 #118418 da Silentbay
Risposta da Silentbay al topic 4° SRFL - 10/11 MAY 2014

Loudpipes ha scritto: once we got some beer together - language will be no problem anymore ;-)


Syncro sedici westfalia - 2.5 V6 TDi 200bhp

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28/03/2014 09:57 #118419 da Silentbay
Risposta da Silentbay al topic 4° SRFL - 10/11 MAY 2014

Loudpipes ha scritto: once we got some beer together - language will be no problem anymore ;-)


Syncro sedici westfalia - 2.5 V6 TDi 200bhp

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29/03/2014 14:53 #118485 da Silentbay
Risposta da Silentbay al topic 4° SRFL - 10/11 MAY 2014
Volevo comunicare a tutti quanti gli interessati che c'è tempo fino al weekend di Pasqua per ordinare le t-shirts, dopodichè non sarà più possibile averla...quindi affrettatevi :wink:

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Syncro sedici westfalia - 2.5 V6 TDi 200bhp

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29/03/2014 22:33 #118497 da RUV
Risposta da RUV al topic 4° SRFL - 10/11 MAY 2014
Hi manni

Thank's very much for the beer right up

Beastly english; beastly. Of course after some alcool I don't need of googletranslator :-))

Loudpipes ha scritto: [...]
I didn't get the question about the wineyard, I guess.

About the wine and wineyard is a joke.
Thought by my father in law. Simply:
There is no wine for everyone.

Just in retirement he has begun to grow grapevine and make wine.
After three seasons he said:
I studied literature and history but I'm able to do simple calculation
I calculated how many ground I drink in a year.... and
There is no wine for everyone.

For this reason he is much proudly of his wine. I also.

I'll see you

Reginaldo is the name of the syncro my name is Ares

... pazzi pur si vive ma senza il cuor si muore.

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30/03/2014 01:00 #118498 da 44L
Risposta da 44L al topic 4° SRFL - 10/11 MAY 2014
Mi aggiungo alla lista con un 50%
Devo finire di camperizzare lo scatolone per quella data,
da ciò dipende la nostra presenza...
Per quanto riguarda le magliette:
ci saranno anche in taglia XXS?
In caso contrario mi limiterei ad 1 M-male e 1 S-female

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30/03/2014 10:16 #118501 da Silentbay
Risposta da Silentbay al topic 4° SRFL - 10/11 MAY 2014

44L ha scritto: Mi aggiungo alla lista con un 50%
Devo finire di camperizzare lo scatolone per quella data,
da ciò dipende la nostra presenza...
Per quanto riguarda le magliette:
ci saranno anche in taglia XXS?
In caso contrario mi limiterei ad 1 M-male e 1 S-female

Grandissimo Abramo!! :D
Per le taglie da donna e da uomo si scende fino alla XS dopodichè ci sono le taglie da bambino...
uno/due anni
tre/quattro anni
cinque/sei anni
sette/otto anni
nove/undici anni

Syncro sedici westfalia - 2.5 V6 TDi 200bhp

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30/03/2014 12:20 #118503 da raffo
Risposta da raffo al topic 4° SRFL - 10/11 MAY 2014
Beh, in ogni caso la maglietta la voglio!!!
-una, maschietto, taglia XL

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30/03/2014 12:28 #118504 da ea
Risposta da ea al topic 4° SRFL - 10/11 MAY 2014
Ma lo maglietta me la dai lo stesso anche se non vengo?

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30/03/2014 22:29 #118516 da Silentbay
Risposta da Silentbay al topic 4° SRFL - 10/11 MAY 2014
Si però non spedisco quindi devi delegare qualcuno tipo il buon K per il ritiro...cmq il problema non sussiste neanche perchè se non vieni ti vengo a prendere a casa io e la maglietta te la dò di persona :ghgh:

Syncro sedici westfalia - 2.5 V6 TDi 200bhp

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31/03/2014 12:02 #118530 da Syncraperto
Risposta da Syncraperto al topic 4° SRFL - 10/11 MAY 2014
alua Simmo,

vistu che chi i parlan tutti fùrestu, mi te scrivu in Zeneixe, ch'à sègge cèa...

orieiva, pe piaxiei, n'a maggietta pe a figgetta che a gha sei anni, una pe mì cumme l'annu passou, mi pènsu a sègge stèta 'na L, ma daurestu a va ben abbrettiu.. in'atra pe u piccinin che de anni u ghe n'ha duì, e peu l'ùrtima pe m'è muggiè XS. Tutale; 4 maggiètte, belin quante spendu st'aotta!!

mi e Ti se sèmmu capii, giustù? Luiatri lascia che se gh'à pensan a capi'ne..
Saluù e stanni bèn, m'àrraccumandu nu fà troppu lou..

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